Autumn Safety Tips for Dog Owners: Avoiding Seasonal Hazards

Fall is fast approaching, and with it comes cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and seasonal activities. But for dogs, this season can be a minefield. Pet owners must carefully navigate the traps and hidden dangers to minimize dog hazards and keep their furry soldiers safe. By staying vigilant and following the tips above, you can protect your furry friends and keep them healthy. Scoop Soldiers has shared a guide to avoiding autumn risks and ensuring that your best friend stays healthy and protected.

Common Autumn Hazards for Dogs

As the seasons change, new dangers emerge that you normally don’t have to deal with during the summer. Here are a few examples.

Toxic Plants and Foliage

Some mushrooms that appear during autumn are highly toxic to dogs. These include fly agaric, false morels, and autumn galerina. Aside from fungi, fallen leaves harbor toxins, bacteria, and hidden objects that harm your pet. Finally, you must watch out for acorns and nuts, which could cause blockages if your pets ingest them.

Cooler Temperatures and Hypothermia

Autumn also means cooler days. Sudden temperature changes can be dangerous to dogs, especially short-haired breeds. The most common problem arising from the low temperatures is hypothermia. The symptoms include:

  • Shallow breathing
  • Shivering
  • Low body temperature
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Stiffening posture

To prevent hypothermia, outfit your dogs with the right gear for combat — cute sweaters and paw balms, for example. Make sure their space is warm and cozy, too.

Halloween and Holiday Dangers

Fall is synonymous with food and holidays. However, many human treats have ingredients that will have you shouting “Medic!” Chocolate, xylitol, and many types of spices are extremely toxic to dogs.  

Additionally, Halloween costumes can cause stress or injury to pets, especially scary ones. Decorations like fairy lights and candles can also burn or entangle your pets.

Pesticides and Rodenticides

As the harvest season comes and gardeners prepare their plots for winter, they start using more pesticides and rodenticides. If your furry friend ingests these chemicals, they can suffer dangerous symptoms like the following.

  • Vomiting
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness

Safety Tips for Autumn Walks

Going on walks as temperatures go down can be such a relaxing experience. However, you must stay vigilant as there are more dangerous situations for your beloved pet. For evening walks, reflective collars, leashes, and LED clip-on lights increase visibility and help minimize the chances of getting into accidents.

Staying on leash is also an important safety practice. When your dog stays near you, it lessens their chances of meeting enemies on the battlefield, like wildlife.

Finally, there’s foot care and paw protection. Wet and cold ground could cause injuries like dryness and cracking. Make sure your pet is wearing the right gear like dog booties. Train them indoors for their first time with the gear. Give them treats whenever they wear the booties, so they associate the footwear with rewards.

Preparing Your Home for Autumn

Humans must also consider pets when preparing homes for fall. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Indoor Heating Hazards

Dogs getting too close to heat sources can result in burns and severe injuries. Make sure to set up barriers that prevent your furry friend from getting in contact with the hot components. We also recommend checking heating systems for carbon monoxide levels.

Seasonal Decor Safety

Certain decorations, like pumpkins, candles, and string lights, can be hazardous to dogs. Make sure to place them out of the way to prevent accidental ingestion, burns, or entanglement. Once the noise and flurry of holiday gatherings arrive, you may also need a safe space where dogs can retreat and find sanctuary.

Health and Wellness Considerations

Your dog’s health and wellness needs may also change as the new season comes.

Seasonal Allergies

You need to identify autumn allergens like mold, pollen, and dust. These could cause sneezing, dermatitis, and digestive disorders. Make sure to reduce exposure to these allergens by keeping your immediate environment clean and hygienic. Treat allergy symptoms with medication prescribed by vets, not ones you consume for human allergies.

Flea and Tick Prevention

Summer may be the height of tick and flea infestations, but these pests still exist during early autumn. Make sure to use the proper treatments for tick prevention and control in cool weather. These include oral and topical medications.

Diet Adjustments

You may need to adjust your pet’s rations to accommodate for less outdoor activity. Otherwise, they can gain too much weight and suffer a host of health conditions. We also recommend keeping an eye out for seasonal foods that may harm your pet. These include raisins, nuts, and baked goods filled with sugar and sugar substitutes.

Keep Your Dog Safe This Autumn — That’s an Order!

As fall comes, your furry soldiers may become exposed to new hazards like toxic holiday food, lower temperatures, and seasonal allergies. By staying vigilant and following the tips shared above, you can better protect your furry friends and keep them healthy at the same time.

If you need more personalized advice, we recommend visiting your vet. For pet waste removal, we’re the team to trust. Scoop Soldiers keeps your property clean and hygienic! Contact us now to schedule an appointment!